florence + the machine

about florence & the machine

florence and the machine are a band from london, uk. it was originally a collaboration between florence welch and isabella summers under the name 'florrible and misrabella', 'florence robot and isa machine' before finally settling on 'florence & the machine'. the 'core' band consisted of florence (vocals & writing), isa (keyboard & writing), tom moth (harpist), rob ackroyd (guitar), and chris lloyd hayden (drums).

they have five studio albums, the first being released in 2009 and most recent in 2022. the only original members left in the band are florence, tom, and rob (isa hasn't publicly left the band though she has not been involved in their recent album or interacting with band members (my florabella heart eaugh!!))


lungs - 2009

release date:
july third, 2009
most popular:
dog days are over
blinding/rabbit heart
fun facts:
the songs off of lungs were written throughout florence's teenage and early adult years.
ten years after the release of lungs, fatm released demos and scrapped songs from this era.
for the fifteen year anniversary, florence preformed with an orchestra at the BBC proms 2024 in a preformance named 'symphony of lungs'. opinions:
while lungs is certainly not the most clean or best produced fatm album, it's an incredible set of music that documents florence's transition from teenage years into adulthood. there's a really wide range of sounds on the album and i love them ALL!! one of my favourite instrumentals is actually only on an alternate version of the album, 'between two lungs', it's a song called heavy in your arms. cosmic love and falling are two of the most beautiful songs i know and i love the intensity of drumming song, howl, and swimming. the piano in rabbit heart gets me in my FEELS bro!!!! i (unfortunately) could not see symphony of lungs live but i DID listen to it on the radio and you can bet i cried at bird song intro.

ceremonials - 2011

release date:
oct. twenty-eighth, 2011
most popular:
shake it out
what the water gave me
fun facts:
the album is full of water symbolism; florence has said this period of her life had her feel like she was drowning.
this album is full of really BIG orchestral sounds. i wouldn't consider ceremonials to be one of my favourites but i love every song?? make it make senseeee. the long note in no light, no light (iykyk) is insane.... florence's vocals are out of this world. i wont lie, i'm not as into the 'look' of ceremonials (specifically florence's hair LMAO) so the music videos didn't really hit for me? the shake it out mv is incredible but i just don't feel it!!! anyways i adore never let me go, it's very leaving-school-a-year-early-core , and the demo of landscape is one of my favourites ever (I NEED A STUDIO VERSION. FLORENCE PLEASE)

hb, hb, hb - 2015

release date:
may twenty-ninth, 2015
most popular:
shake it out
what the water gave me
fun facts:
the songs off of lungs were written throughout florence's teenage and early adult years.
ten years after the release of lungs, fatm released demos and scrapped songs from this era.
for the fifteen year anniversary, florence preformed with an orchestra at the BBC proms 2024 in a preformance named 'symphony of lungs'. opinions:
while lungs is certainly not the most clean or best produced fatm album, it's an incredible set of music that documents florence's transition from teenage years into adulthood. there's a really wide range of sounds on the album and i love them ALL!! one of my favourite instrumentals is actually only on an alternate version of the album, 'between two lungs', it's a song called heavy in your arms. cosmic love and falling are two of the most beautiful songs i know and i love the intensity of drumming song, howl, and swimming. the piano in rabbit heart gets me in my FEELS bro!!!! i (unfortunately) could not see symphony of lungs live but i DID listen to it on the radio and you can bet i cried at bird song intro.

high as hope - 2018

release date:
june twenty-eighth, 2018
most popular:
shake it out
what the water gave me
fun facts:
the album is full of water symbolism; florence has said this period of her life had her feel like she was drowning.
while lungs is certainly not the most clean or best produced fatm album, it's an incredible set of music that documents florence's transition from teenage years into adulthood. there's a really wide range of sounds on the album and i love them ALL!! one of my favourite instrumentals is actually only on an alternate version of the album, 'between two lungs', it's a song called heavy in your arms. cosmic love and falling are two of the most beautiful songs i know and i love the intensity of drumming song, howl, and swimming. the piano in rabbit heart gets me in my FEELS bro!!!! i (unfortunately) could not see symphony of lungs live but i DID listen to it on the radio and you can bet i cried at bird song intro.

dance fever - 2022

release date:
may thirteenth, 2022
most popular:
shake it out
what the water gave me
fun facts:
the album is full of water symbolism; florence has said this period of her life had her feel like she was drowning.
while lungs is certainly not the most clean or best produced fatm album, it's an incredible set of music that documents florence's transition from teenage years into adulthood. there's a really wide range of sounds on the album and i love them ALL!! one of my favourite instrumentals is actually only on an alternate version of the album, 'between two lungs', it's a song called heavy in your arms. cosmic love and falling are two of the most beautiful songs i know and i love the intensity of drumming song, howl, and swimming. the piano in rabbit heart gets me in my FEELS bro!!!! i (unfortunately) could not see symphony of lungs live but i DID listen to it on the radio and you can bet i cried at bird song intro.

singles & extras

release date: july third, 2009
favourite song: SCOTLAND FOREVAR
age: seventeen !!
age: seventeen !!
age: seventeen !!


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